Eletric motors

Our sales program includes electric motors of the world-famous electric motor manufacturer WEG. We offer aluminum electric motors of modular design W21, motors made of gray cast iron W22, flame proof execution Ex db eb for outside industry as well as mining industry W22Xd, fire versions of electric motors for smoke extraction W22 and low / high voltage electric motors W50.

W21 Aluminium Multimounting – Three-Phase Electric Motors

Looking for the optimum solution to satisfy a diversity of requirements and applications, WEG offers its W21 Aluminium Multimounting three phase motor platform.


W22 Cast Iron general Purpose Low Voltage Motors

W22 low-voltage electric motors for general use are extremely ROBUST designs, as they are made of gray cast iron….


W22Xdb IE3 Electric motors with impermeable housings Ex d (e)

The W22Xdb IE3 line represents all that is modern in rotating equipment for explosive atmospheres.


W22 Smoke Extraction Motors 200 ºC, 250°C, 300 ºC or 400 ºC

Assuring safety in commercial and industrial facilities is one of the main concerns of developers and owners during the design.


W50 Low and High Voltage Motors

WEG W50 motors offer not only excellent performance, but comply with the strictest efficiency and safety criteria in the most demanding operating conditions.


We offer you

  • single-phase electric motors
  • motors with encoders and
    forced cooling
  • three-phase electric motors
  • dryer motors
    (wood / brick)
  • electric brake motors
  • engines for small hydropower plants
  • multi-speed motors
  • motors according to customer requirements



The link allows you to obtain
all technical data and drawings
and the choice of electric motors WEG according to your requirements.

Low voltage and high voltage standard IECasynchrono electric motors
energy efficient with efficiency classes IE2, IE3, IE4 and IE5 – manufactured by WEG, ATB SEVER, SIEMENS in REGAL BELOLIT.

Select power
and voltage

Single-phase el. motors up to 3,7 kw power and three-phase el. motors power 0,06 do 1000 kw for all standard voltages and frequency conections 400/230V 50Hz in 460-480V-60 Hz

Winding design

The windings are made in the insulation stage of class-F- (load test in class-B-) with reinforced insulation for operation with frequency convertors, which ensures their long life operation

PTC sensors for thermal overload protection are built into the windings

Select speed
and housing

Single-speed motors for synchronous speeds 3000-1500-1000 and750rpm

Two-speed motors for fan drives (square torque) 1500 / 3000-1000 / 1500-750 / 1500 rpm

Two-speed constant torque motors (same speed ratios as for fans)

the motor housing can be in light AL versions or in robust heavier SL (GG) versions, and the housings can be protected with quality paints, if necessary, for more demanding outdoor areas of treatment in humid tropical climates with the label-TROP-

Cooling design and mechanical protection

All motors are designed as TEFC (Total Enclosed Fan Cooled) own fan in mechanical protection degree IP55, as well as in the explosion version – flame proof execution ( Eexd(e) IIC T4)